
The Photography Foundation is proud to be an Arts Award supporter. If you’re working on completing an Arts Award, we can help you to achieve it!

Open to anyone aged twenty-five and under, Arts Awards helps you discover your potential as an artist by getting involved in any art form, from music to fashion design, pottery to photography – which happens to be our specialism!

This unique set of qualifications not only allows you to get involved in the art form of your choice and to find out about careers in the wider sector, but also supports you to develop key leadership skills such as creativity and communication, problem-solving, and confidence.

There are five levels of Arts Award including the introductory level (Discover) and four which are accredited (Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold). Completing the Gold level even provides you with valuable UCAS points.

Arts Award can help to progress into further education or employment, but it’s also a great way to nurture your creativity, meet new people and be inspired.

The Photography Foundation Arts Award Offer

We can support you to achieve your Arts Award across all levels in the following ways:

Take part

Why not come to our studio and learn more about photography and develop new skills?

Throughout the year, we deliver a programme of photography-related workshops open to anyone over sixteen (if you wish to join with anyone under sixteen, please get in touch). We offer subsidies and bursaries(financial support)to young people doing Arts Award. Get in touch if you would like to attend a workshop or event.

We deliver bespoke workshops in schools, youth centres, and other Arts Award centres interested in providing opportunities focused on photography. Checkout our Outreach page for more info.

Experience the arts

Come along to one of our talks, including panel discussions, where you can hear photographers discuss their work and their creative journey.

We offer subsidies and bursaries to young people doing Arts Award. Get in touch if you would like to attend a workshop or event.

Visit our blog to experience the arts through a range of features and visit our socials where we regularly spotlight the work of photographers, including alumni from our six month core training programme.

Develop skills & share with others

Access our library of resources. In our video series, photographers share ways to develop your creative practice and share tips and tricks that helped them to get where they are today.

We would love it if you created a feature for our blog or submitted your photography for us to share on our socials Send us a pitch for articles or video content, or submissions of work you have already made and would like to share with a wider audience.

Find out about art and artists

Attend one of our talks to discover more about individual practitioners and their journeys into the arts.

Our learning team are on hand to help you find out more about photography and photographers, as well as other professionals working in the sector. Contact us to visit our studio to explore our library of photobooks and to meet the team. We can provide advice on great exhibitions to visit, and on how to find out more about photographers and their creative journeys.

You can find spotlights highlighting the work of diverse photographers on our blog as well as on our socials.

Meet artists and creative professionals

We are lucky to have an amazing network of industry professionals and artists that we work with through our events, training and mentorship programmes. Our learning team will be happy to put you in touch with lens-based artists and other professionals working across the sector where possible.

If you are a school or a centre delivering Arts Award, we can organise a visit from a photographer through our outreach programme.

Arts reviews & opinion pieces

Send us a review or an opinion piece about a photography-related event you’ve attended, and we’ll publish it on our blog. Even better, come to one of our events and review it for us! Submit the review in the format of your choice (vlogs, written piece etc.)

We produce issue-led events throughout the year. We’d love it if you submitted an opinion piece centred around an important date in the calendar or an event we are hosting so we can share it on our blog or digital platforms. Reach out to our learning team to find out more.

Get involved in the wider arts sector

Gain hands-on events experience or support a workshop as part of our training programme through our volunteering programme (18+) or shadow a professional photographer. If you are a school delivering Arts Award, we can provide short-term work experience opportunities for the young people you work with. Find out more by contacting us.

To find out more about Arts Award and our supporter offer, email learn@thephotographyfoundation.org